Business Consultation website

The Business Consultation website gives you as a business or individual, more opportunities to be consulted about government policies and regulations that may affect you or your business.
The website also allows you to register to receive notifications of new public consultations that are posted to the site by government agencies.

Why a Business Consultation website? The report Rethinking Regulation (Report of the Taskforce on Reducing Regulatory Burdens on Business) recommended a website be developed to improve consultation between business and government.
The Australian Government saw the benefit in providing a consultation site that would help reduce the regulatory burden on Australian business and agreed to its development.
You can find out more about what each Australian Government agency has proposed as their regulatory activities and their consultation opportunities by viewing their Annual regulatory plans.

Your feedback This website is under continual improvement. To ensure you benefit from new features and updates, make sure you visit the site regularly.
Any suggestions you have to improve the site are also welcome. Please contact us with your suggestions.

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