Businesses and individuals

Businesses and individuals


Businesses and individuals with an interest in business are encouraged to register on the Business Consultation website.

This website provides more opportunities for you to have your say about government policy and regulation that may affect you or your business.

Who should register?

Business owners and managers, and individuals with an interest in business such as representatives of industry associations, tax agents and even employees of state and local government agencies are invited to register.

What are the benefits?

    * You will be notified of Australian Government policies and issues that may affect you or your business as soon as they are made public.
    * You will have more opportunities to have your say.
    * You can specify the method and how frequently you would like to be consulted.
    * You only need to visit one website to be aware of all current public government consultations.

How do you register?

You can register your interest by filling out your details and preferences in our online registration form.

If you do not have Javascript enabled on your computer you can register through our Smartform (PDF) - Requires Adobe Reader version 7.0.5 or above.

Alternatively, you can download a PDF copy of the Business Registration form (PDF) (98kb) or the Individual Registration form (PDF) (98kb) and post or fax us your registration.

When you have opened your preferred registration form:

    * If you are a business owner or manager, register as a business.
    * If you are an individual with an interest in business, or from an industry association or state or local government agency or body, register as an individual.


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